It's funny the way one Squidoo lens can lead to a bunch of others. Here's a fun series of lenses that all started with one.
Cabinets of Curiosity
During the Victorian era Cabinets of Curiosity were all the rage. They collected natural specimens, fossils, artifacts, and oddities. Take a peak into that world.
That led to researching both hoaxes and handmade additions to a cabinet of curiosities. Which led first to a lens on P.T. Barnum and then to one on Cephalopod Craft Patterns.
P.T. Barnum
Introducing the greatest showman on earth, P.T. Barnum. The founder of the modern circus, purveyor of hoaxes, and owner of a long lost spectacular museum.
Cephalopod Craft Patterns
Make your own stuffed octopus, squid, and cuttlefish. Free crochet, knit, and sewing patterns for cephalopods (and a few other sea creatures thrown in).
Cephalopod Crafts led me to run across the site of
Helle Jorgensen who creates crocheted sea creatures using recycled plastic bags. Which led to:
Making Your Own Recycled Yarn
Make cool stuff and help the Earth at the same time. If you like to knit, crochet, or any other yarn craft have a go at using recycled materials. You can make your own yarn using plastic bags, thrift store sweaters, scraps, and t-shirts.
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